Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, Fear & Freedom
Am I using or am I abusing?
"Most of the body’s energy and calories come from macronutrients. Each type of macronutrient has its own benefits and purpose in maintaining a healthy body. The exact amount of each macronutrient a person requires may vary based on individual factors such as weight, age, and preexisting health conditions."-click the link above for the rest of this article.
Caffeine, Alcohol and Pot
What fears keep coming up for you? Let's turn them around.
"Carbs make me fat." Now say, "Carbs make me fit!"
"The fat I eat is the fat I wear." Now say, "The fat I eat is the fat I burn!"
"Alcohol is bad for me." Now say, "Alcohol is my friend, and I respect it for the way it makes me feel, and use it only as needed!"
"I can't lose weight no matter how hard I try." Now say, "I will lose weight no matter how little I try!"
"I can't stay motivated and I'm losing all hope." Now say, "I'm always motivated, and I'm getting results as we speak!"
"I don't know how many calories to eat." Now say, "I know exactly how many calories to eat, and I don't even have to track them!"
"I don't know if I'm eating the right macro ratios." Now say, "As long as I'm eating the foods I love, and the foods that make me feel good physically, mentally and emotionally, I'm eating the exact macronutrient ratios my body needs!"
"I'm unhappy with my body and I feel ugly." Now say, "I love the person that I am, and I make a positive impact on this Earth every single day. I look the way I look for a very special reason, and I'm going to use that to my advantage!"
"Everything always goes wrong for me." Now say, "I love how life always works out for me no matter what!"
"I hate my job and it holds me back from reaching my goals." Now say, "I chose this job for a good reason, and I'm choosing my next job for a good reason as well! Having a job keeps me on a schedule, and I'm going to use that to my advantage!"
"I wish I could believe everything you're saying right now." Now say, "Whether I believe what she's saying right now is true or not, it's still true, and I better listen!" 😊
"I declare freedom with with my diet while maintaining/building my Trophy Body, effective immediately!"
Everything I chose to eat today!
Plant Sour Cream
Hey Sally, Thanks for sharing. What kind of chocolate is this? I’m excited to audible “Loving What Is” Thanks for that recommendation!